Useful links

Created by myself

Learning Content

Maintenir et sécuriser son blog sous WordPress: eBook about WordPress security (in french)

Fedora as a pentesting OS: Presentation about Fedora’s containerization for pentesters


cryptrz’s gists


Thug Bounty (Pentest)

Trouble Fake (OSINT)


Learn and practice pentesting for free (or almost)

TryHackMe (A lot of free rooms are available, the rest is accessible via premium accounts)

OWASP Juice Shop (Free) [ Demo / Preview ]

OWASP WebGoat (Free)

OWASP Mutillidae II (Free)

OWASP Security Shepherd (Free)

OWASP Damn Vulnerable Web Sockets (Free)

VulnHub (Free)

PentestGround (Free)

Portswigger Web Security Academy (Free)

bWAPP (Free)

Metasploitable 2 (Free)

DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application) (Free)

Uncle’s Rat labs (Free)

Natas (Free)

Red Tiger Labs (Free)

Google’s XSS Game (Free)

Google Gruyere (Free)

Hacker101 CTF (Free)

Google’s Capture The Flag (Free)

Root Me (Free)

Hack The Box (Paid subscription, but a few machines are available for free)

Hack The Box Academy (Paid subscription)

We Chall (List of active sites)

CTFtime (List of CTF events)

Non-Profit Organizations

OWASP Foundation (Open Web Application Security Project)


Hacking Is Not A Crime

Creative Commons License CC BY-SA 4.0